Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stealth Jihad


A few days ago I read an opinion piece that scared the heck out of me, but which I found to be very true, based on a lot of reading that I have done on the subject. This is about the stealth jihad or holy war that is being waged against the West, unfortunately, very successfully. The stealth jihad is also succeeding here in the United States because of politically correct nonsense that encourages otherwise intelligent people to look the other way as their country and their way of life is being taken over.

Recently, I became more concerned about this when I learned about the 13 story monstrosity mosque and Muslim community center that is being planned in the shadows of where the Twin Towers once stood until they were brought down by Muslim extremists. The name of this planned structure, "The Cordoba House", is what has increased my anxiety and concern about these plans.

Now, why would a planned mosque be named after a city in Spain? What can that mean? It is very simple. Cordoba was part of the original Muslim Caliphate after it was conquered by the Muslim armies and its' people subjugated. This name suggests the goal of once again establishing a Muslim Caliphate all over the world. Many Muslims believe that ANY land that was once conquered by Islam will ALWAYS be Muslim. This name is no accident.

We must be alert to the fact that Muslims who support and wish to carry out Jihad are not necessarily religious people. There is ample evidence that many non-religious, moderate appearing Muslims support Jihad and despise Israel and Jews. Some of them may actually be more observant, but may be striving to appear more secular to appear to assimilate into the mainstream American culture. (Think about the 9-11 hijackers.)

Similarly, although the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah are mostly composed of more 'religious' Muslims, the Fatah party that controls the Palestinian Authority on the West Bank is much more secular. Do not be fooled into thinking that this is a more moderate organization. It is merely the newest form of the Palestinian Liberation Organization; ie. still a terrorist entity. In Judea and Samaria (or the West Bank) the PA education system still teaches young children Jew-hatred, including the lesson that Jews are the descendants of pigs and dogs, and that there is no State of Israel. In addition, the PA still celebrates terrorists who have murdered innocent Israelis. Most recently, a square near the city of Ramallah in PA controlled territory was dedicated in honor of the terrorist, Dalal Mughrabi, who carried out the Coastal Road Massacre in Tel Aviv in 1978, that resulted in the deaths of 39 Israelis, including 13 children. One of the victims of this massacre was an American photographer, Gail Rubin. As I said, this dedication occured in PA controlled territory, not, as our clueless Secretary of State said during her speech to AIPAC, Hamas controlled territory.

Even 'moderate appearing' Muslims in this country have been proven to support Hezbollah. My son related a conversation to me a few years ago in which a teammate of his brother (obviously a child growing up here) said that Israel is temporary, implying that Palestine (which has never existed as a homeland for Palestinian Arabs) would rise again. Most recently, a Muslim couple from Toledo, Ohio were arrested for supplying material support to Hezbollah. Even a cursory glance at their photographs clearly reveals that this was not an observant couple.

If the West, as a civilization, does not learn from these and other obvious signs of the stealth jihad, then we are doomed. Political correctness has no place when our security and our way of life are threatened; when our very freedoms are at risk. We need to wake up!

*UPDATE* June 16,2010

Following is a story of the execution of people in Somalia who had the audacity to watch the World Cup, in defiance of Islamist leaders in their country.

Die Hard World Cup Fans in Somalia | Fighting Radical Islam

And here, yet another reason to fear the stealth jihad; support from inside the White House.

Muslim From HAMAS Charity Brags About Tax-Funded Concessions From Obama WH Visit

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