Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fighting the Stealth Jihad-There is Still Hope

On June 6, more than 5000 people from all over the country demonstrated at Ground Zero, in opposition to the Cordoba House, the 13 story mega-mosque and community center that is being planned in the old Burlington Coat Factory building, where currently, Muslim religious services are being held. This building was damaged on 9-11 by the landing gear from one of the hijacked airplanes that hit the World Trade Center. In the misguided spirit of political correctness and apparent multiculturalism, this plan has already been overwhelmingly approved by Community Board 1, by a vote of 29-1. These people just do not comprehend what they and the rest of the West are facing.

Among the items discussed at the demonstration was a plan to petition to have the site declared a war memorial in memory of the innocents who were murdered at Ground Zero, in Washington and in Pennsylvania on that fateful day that SHOULD have changed the way Americans and the rest of the world relate to Islam and those who try to spread that religion through violent or stealth jihad.

Speakers at the event included representatives of the organization "Stop Islamization of America", 9-11 family members, Nonie Darwish, a former Muslim and the daughter of an Egyptian who had fought against Israel and others dedicated to halting the advance of Islam in the United States. Please click on the link to see videos of speakers at this event. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/06/sioa-protest-against-the-911-mega-mosque-videos-of-the-speakers.html

Also attending this significant demonstration, was a Coptic Christian activist from Egypt, named Joseph Nassralla. Because he spoke Arabic he was initially thought to be a Muslim infiltrator who was trying to disrupt the rally . Once the misunderstanding was clarified, Mr. Nassralla and an associate explained to the crowd the dangers of living as a minority in a Muslim majority nation. As Coptic Christians in Egypt, they described the oppression, torture and killing that they experience at the hands of the Muslim majority because their fellow Egyptians are exhorted from the pulpit to persecute Christians. They came to the rally specifically to explain the suffering that they experience every day and have experienced for centuries, living under Sharia law, to try to forestall the stealth jihad that is threatening this great country. This oppression of Coptic Christians was also described in great detail by Nonie Darwish in her book, "Now They Call Me Infidel". I am personally familiar with the oppression of religious minorities in Muslim majority countries because of my wonderful aunt, Toni, who is an Egyptian Jew. She was compelled to leave Egypt at the age of 16 because of the oppression that she suffered there.

It has also been recently revealed that the 'moderate' imam behind this mosquestrosity is anything but moderate. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is directly associated with the Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization. This organization has been found to be the biggest donor to the Free Gaza Movement that tried to break the Israeli blockade with the 'peace' flotilla that departed from Turkey and later concluded with the Israeli boarding of the Mavi Marmara and the death of nine so-called peace activists.


In Staten Island, a borough of New York City,another neighborhood was up in arms against the stealth jihadists in their midst this week. In southern Staten Island, the community of Midland Beach awoke to discover that an unused convent in their neighborhood had been surreptitiously sold to the Muslim American Society (The Muslim Brotherhood- a recognized terrorist organization that began in Egypt- in the US). In a June 10 community meeting convened by the Midland Beach Civic Association, members of the surrounding community voiced their concerns about the organization behind the convent purchase, including concerns about the MAS and the mosque to be built. http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/thomas061510.php3

On June 9th, in the Netherlands, the Freedom Party, including Geert Wilders, a member of parliament and the director of the anti-Islam movie Fitna, more than doubled the number of its' seats in the Dutch Parliament. This is a huge victory for those opposing the stealth Jihad of Europe and puts Geert Wilders in line for a position in the Dutch Cabinet. Watch the film Fitna here: The movie fitna, fitna 2 and beyond » Fitna the Movie

[Here is the text of a speech against Islamization given by Mr. Wilders in NY on September 25, 2008.

Organized protest against the politically correct nonsense that has overtaken this world gives me hope. Americans and others in the West organizing to stop the stealthy advance of Islam and Sharia law, gives me hope. The recent criticism of a Muslim organization of the Time Square bomber gives me hope, as does the opposition to the spread of political Islam by a true moderate Muslim. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/mosque_unbecoming_QmXgG4QyGgz4ATF9v7cBDM

We in the West must continue to speak out against terror and hold Islam and it's adherents accountable for acts of terror and violence committed in the name of Islam. We must stop giving 'moderate' Muslims the benefit of the doubt until they actually demonstrate unequivocally that they do not support this violence. Despite out apologist administration and apologist leaders in other countries, we must understand that we are at war with a political totalitarian system that is seeking to subjugate the people of the world to the religion of Islam and is dedicated to the reformation of a worldwide Muslim Caliphate.

If not, we are all lost.

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