Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Help for the Stealth Jihad from On High?

It was very disconcerting to learn that the Stealth Jihad has a chance of being facilitated by some in the highest arenas of power and by others who aspire to the same high office. In a recent Supreme Court decision, Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, in a 6-3 decision the court upheld the constitutionality of a law that prohibits the provision of material support to foreign organizations that have been declared terrorist organizations by the US State Department. This prohibition extends to the provision of any service, training, expert advise or any other kind of help. This law was originally passed in 1996, was amended by the Patriot Act after the September 11th attacks as well as in 2004. Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented from the majority. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65K4B420100621 To see the text of the Supreme Court decision, please click on this link. http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-1498.pdf

Some startling information about Supreme Court nominee, Elana Kagan, has also come to light that is incongruous with her apparent position on gay rights. Senator Jeff Sessions revealed apparent inconsistencies in Ms. Kagan's support of gay rights in a speech on the Senate floor on June 16. Apparently, while the nominee prevented military recruiters from operating on the campus of Harvard's law school during her tenure as dean because of her opposition to the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, she did not go on record as opposing a center for Islamic Studies and Sharia Law that was established with a gift from the Saudi royal family. This seems inconsistent with her stance on gay rights because Sharia law calls for severe punishment or the death penalty for homosexual behavior. More troubling was her personal involvement with the establishment of an Islamic Finance Project at the Harvard Law School in 2003. This project's purpose was to encourage Sharia Compliant Finance, a banking system that does not charge interest, but also prohibits providing financing for projects or plans that do not comply with Sharia law. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/gaffney062210.php3

Kagan's and Harvard's Islamic Finance Project was also instrumental in encouraging the United States government to endorse Shariah Compliant Finance. This is the most troubling aspect of Kagan's involvement in the Harvard project. Shariah Compliant Finance or (SCF) is yet another method by which the Islamic fundamentalists are waging Jihad against the West and trying to destroy Western civilization while establishing the global caliphate that is its' goal.

SCF dates back to the 1940s when it was introduced by the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its' goal was to support Jihad by diverting funds known as Zakat and purification to terrorist organizations, masked as non-threatening Islamic charities. Interest cannot be charged in SCF, but a 2.5% Zakat fee is exacted from both the borrower and the lender and is diverted to these charities in a usually untraceable manner. The exact amount of money that eventually ends up in the coffers of these 'charities' is not known, but may be in the billions of dollars. This is extremely concerning since SCF was the method by which the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were financed. Those devastating attacks cost only half a million dollars to carry out. The extreme concern should be the devastating jihad and terrorist attacks that can be waged with billions of dollars. After 9/11, the US Treasury Department, in conjunction with other federal agencies, uncovered many rings of illegal financing of terrorist organizations. Much of this financing takes place under the radar and will be difficult or impossible to uncover. For this reason, we should all be concerned about this nominee's record on supporting an organization that prvides ACF and her general attitude toward Shariah law.


We are already in the cross hairs of the worldwide Jihad. We should not make it easier for the Jihadists by permitting those in our highest positions of power to either support or to be blind to the stealth jihad that threatens us all.

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