Monday, July 5, 2010

Fighting the Stealth Jihad-Update

In an article on the Fox News Web site, published on July 2, the author describes a curious situation in which people from different parts of the country, people who have different educational, ethnic and economic backgrounds and people who adhere to diverse religions who are united in their opposition to the construction of mosques or Islamic 'cultural' centers in their communities. - Controversy Surrounds Construction of Mosques Across U.S.

I have previously posted on the mosquetrosity that is being planned near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, in the shadow of where the Twin Towers once stood until they were brought down by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2001. Recent polls confirm that a majority of New Yorkers oppose the Cordoba House, with both 66% of Jews and white Catholics and 60% of Hispanics opposing this center. One main reason for this opposition is the revelation that the imam for this planned center has known terrorist ties.

I have also described the situation in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood in Staten island where an abandoned convent may be sold to a Muslim agency for further development into a mosque. In this situation, neighborhood residents discovered that the Muslim American Society was behind the planned purchase.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has reported that the MAS is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an organization that has existed for over 100 years, and whose goal is to spread Islam and Shariah law throughout the West. According to the IPT, this goal is facilitated by the purchase of existing mosques or of land to construct new mosques in the West. The MAS then ensures that the 'right' imams are affiliated with the mosques so that they can disseminate the desired message to their congregations including the desire to spread Islam and Shariah law throughout the non-Muslim world.

Spokespeople for the MAS adamantly deny these allegations and deny any association with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas or support of terrorism. Directors of this organization also deny that they have a goal of establishing worldwide Shariah and spreading Islam. They contend that their only goal is to establish mosques and provide for Muslims in their communities.

I propose that this statement is untrue. I contend that those who deny this aim of the MAS and any association with the Muslim Brotherhood or support of Islam are engaging in the practice of taqiyya, or deception, which may be practiced against non-believers in situations that include wartime. See here How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War. Extremist Muslims and their supporters do believe that they are fighting a war, a global Jihad. In that light, most would feel justified in deceiving non-Muslims. Who can forget the depictions of the 9-11 hijackers patronizing bars and strip clubs all the while planning horrific attacks against innocent civilians on our soil, all in the name of Islam? That is the only proof that is needed that this practice exists. Those who think that this opposition is racist in nature are ignorant of the underlying practices of Islam as it was intended to be practiced. It is not a religion of peace as many claim, but has as its' goal the re-establishment of a global Islamic Caliphate.

This nationwide 'opposition' is encouraging. We need to continue opposing the spread of Islam and Shariah law in the so-called name of political correctness. We need to continue fighting the takeover of our country, of our world, by a political system that has yet to move out of the 7th century, that subjugates non-believers, that abuses women and children and that will be the end of freedom as we know it.

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